lunes, 18 de febrero de 2008

My first term presentation, check it out!

This presentation was first designed in photoshop and then I imported the images to Windows Movie Maker. The sound and effects were coordinated in the program. I hope that you enjoy it!

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2008

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Personally, I find beauty in everything that surrounds me. I find beauty in the subjects I study, in the people I love and in the daily "challenges" that come my way. Beauty isn´t just a pretty face or a good body it is more than skin-deep. A nice person, a smile, an act of kindness and unconditional love is beautiful. To describe beauty is like to describe love, it is ambiguous and intangible.
The downside of preconceptions of beauty are very dangerous because they harm vulnerable people. That is why mental illnesses like anorexia, bulimia and extreme low self-esteem harm and even kill some people. Nobody is to blame for this except society and everyday pressures. There are some preconceived notions put inside a child's head that are irreverseable and haunt them until adulthood. However, there are ways to increase low self-esteem and self-acceptance; friends, therapists and family are incredible resources.
Invest in your spirit and soul don't be afraid to express yourself and help other people. I am a firm believer in and "what goes around comes around" and personally I've had very good experiences with it and I recommend it to everybody.
Good Luck!

Go on, play with me

Create your own FREE ZingFu Pet!

I absolutely love animals, if I could I would own a thousand pets.

Cute Quote!

About me!

My full name is Eugenia Cristina and I'm a simple girl looking to make the most out of life. I love going out with my friends, I'm a total fanatic for design and I like to try different things. It is very important to know english because when you want to travel that will be the medium for which communication will become easier. This is my first blog and in time interesting links will be added as well as information.